Banana split with homemade hot fudge

Recipe & Food Styling Marisa Curatolo, Photography Cory Aronec


4 bananas, peeled and sliced in half lengthwise

1 cup each good-quality vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream

Hot fudge

6 ounces semi sweet chocolate squares, chopped

1⁄2 cup light corn syrup

1⁄2 cup 35% cream

1⁄4 cup sugar

1⁄4 cup butter, cubed

1 teaspoon vanilla

For hot fudge, combine chocolate, corn syrup, cream, sugar, butter and vanilla in small saucepan. Melt chocolate over medium heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and let cool several minutes before using. Can be stored in refrigerator up to 1 week.

To assemble, place 2 banana halves along side of banana split dishes. Put one scoop of each flavour ice cream between bananas. Drizzle with hot fudge. Serves 4.


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