One pot Italian pasta with walnut basil pesto, potato, and green beans

Recipe & Food Styling ANNA Magazine

Emailed from Calabria, from a friend's Italian grandmother, this recipe is one of our favourites.

Luscious walnut pesto with al dente cooked pasta, fresh green beans, and new baby potatoes transforms humble ingredients into a spectacular meal.


1 package linguine pasta

Walnut basil pesto

½ cup walnuts

3 cloves garlic, peeled

½ cup Parmigiano Reggiano or good Parmesan cheese, grated

1 cup fresh basil leaves

½ cup extra-virgin olive oil

12 baby potatoes, white or red

½ pound green beans, French-ed (see note in directions)

Sea salt and cracked black pepper

Lovely served with roasted Italian sausage

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For pesto, place garlic, walnuts, Parmesan cheese, and basil in the bowl of food processor and pulse until puréed; about 1 minute. With food processor running, gradually add olive oil until just emulsified. Set aside.

Meanwhile, in large stockpot, bring potatoes to boil with well-salted water and cook until slightly tender, about 5 minutes. In the same pot, add pasta and continue cooking another 5-7 minutes. Add green beans to the pot and cook 1 more minute. Remove from heat and drain, leaving about 1 cup pasta water in the stockpot.

Add pesto to the stockpot, place back over medium-high heat and toss well for about 1-2 minutes until pasta is well coated with pesto and water has evaporated. Remove from heat, transfer to large serving bowl, season with salt and pepper; serve immediately.

Note: To "French" green beans, trim ends and slice in half. This is a more delicate way of serving green beans, and more visually pleasing as well.

ANNA Test Kitchen

Although the magazine was launched in Mari Loewen’s Canadian home kitchen where it remained for 10 years, as the brand grew many incredibly talented folks were involved in the success of ANNA Magazine. To name a few, Creative Director, Segun Olude; Art Director, Shannon Dewy; Prop Stylist, Kari Wardrop, Recipe Developer & Food Stylist, Marisa Curatolo; Copywriters Tara Kaprowy and Erin Lancione, and many friends, sponsors and advertisers. As the brand transitioned into the digital world, many more were involved. Thank you to all of them.


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