Tuile Cookies

Recipe & Food Styling Marisa Curatolo, Photography Cory Aronec

The think crispy French Tuile (right side of image) aptly named for the red clay tiles that so often top the homes in France and elsewhere in Europe—an image that provokes more dreamy thoughts on a cold, winter afternoon.


2 egg whites, lightly beaten

3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

1/3 cup sugar

1/2 cup all-purpose flour


Preheat oven to 400°F. Trace 6 3-inch circles about 2 inches apart on parchment-lined baking sheet. Turn paper over.

Combine butter and sugar in mixing bowl. Stir in our until mixture is creamy. Whisk in egg whites and mix until smooth. Drop 2 tablespoons batter onto centre of each circle. With palette knife, spread evenly. Bake cookies 6 to 8 minutes or until edges are golden. Work quickly, slide palette knife under each tuile; drape over rolling pin and let harden. If tuile becomes too brittle to shape, place back in oven. Repeat with remaining batter. 

ANNA Test Kitchen

Although the magazine was launched in Mari Loewen’s Canadian home kitchen where it remained for 10 years, as the brand grew many incredibly talented folks were involved in the success of ANNA Magazine. To name a few, Creative Director, Segun Olude; Art Director, Shannon Dewy; Prop Stylist, Kari Wardrop, Recipe Developer & Food Stylist, Marisa Curatolo; Copywriters Tara Kaprowy and Erin Lancione, and many friends, sponsors and advertisers. As the brand transitioned into the digital world, many more were involved. Thank you to all of them.


Vanilla Sable Cookies


Buffalo style chicken drumettes, with Blue Cheese Dip