Brussels sprouts and Chinese sausage with garlic and togarashi

Recipe & Food Styling ANNA Magazine, Photography Jerry Grajewski


2 tablespoons olive oil

3 shallots, sliced

4 cloves garlic, sliced

1 pound Brussels sprouts, cleaned and quartered 1 cup cured Chinese sausage, sliced

Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste Shichimi togarashi (dried), to taste


In large, heavy-bottomed skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. When oil has started to smoke, add shallots and garlic and toss until just translucent. Add Brussels sprouts. Toss about 7 minutes, ensuring ingredients caramelize. Add Chinese sausage and toss 1 minute. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Garnish with togarashi. Serves 4 to 6.

ANNA Test Kitchen

Although the magazine was launched in Mari Loewen’s Canadian home kitchen where it remained for 10 years, as the brand grew many incredibly talented folks were involved in the success of ANNA Magazine. To name a few, Creative Director, Segun Olude; Art Director, Shannon Dewy; Prop Stylist, Kari Wardrop, Recipe Developer & Food Stylist, Marisa Curatolo; Copywriters Tara Kaprowy and Erin Lancione, and many friends, sponsors and advertisers. As the brand transitioned into the digital world, many more were involved. Thank you to all of them.


Lamb Stew With Cinnamon And Raisins


Make ahead Chili-rubbed pork and vegetable stir fry