Bocconcini from cheese curds


1/2 pound store bought cheese curds

12 cups cold water



Temper cheese curds by placing into large stockpot with cold water. Warm over medium heat and gently stir ensuring curds don’t stay in direct contact with bottom of pot. With thermometer in water, stir curds until water has reached 55 degrees Celsius; immediately remove from heat.

Carefully, scoop the tempered curds from water with slotted spoon and place in large bowl. Wearing clean rubber gloves carefully knead and stretch hot cheese together. It will quickly firm up and take on glossy sheen. Once curds have all combined into single uniform mass, divide and form into rounds by hand. Form 3-inch large rounds or smaller 1-inch bite sized rounds. Perfect for pasta, sandwiches or salads. The newly formed bocconcini can be used immediately or stored in olive oil in refrigerator for up to a week.

ANNA Test Kitchen

Although the magazine was launched in Mari Loewen’s Canadian home kitchen where it remained for 10 years, as the brand grew many incredibly talented folks were involved in the success of ANNA Magazine. To name a few, Creative Director, Segun Olude; Art Director, Shannon Dewy; Prop Stylist, Kari Wardrop, Recipe Developer & Food Stylist, Marisa Curatolo; Copywriters Tara Kaprowy and Erin Lancione, and many friends, sponsors and advertisers. As the brand transitioned into the digital world, many more were involved. Thank you to all of them.


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